Sunday, February 19, 2006

Winter in Upstate New York

I was traversing the back country roads of upstate New York when I came upon this pastoral scene. Snow had just started to fall and was moving across the field from the distant birch trees to the farm outbuilding seemingly within reach. Gazing upward, the falling snow blended into the cold, gray sky. Posted by Picasa

'M' Sign

Serendipity had a role in my seeing this beautiful, handcrafted sign alongside a road in upstate New York. The letter 'M' starts my last name, and against the backdrop of weathered barn siding, patchy blue sky, and its own sinuous scroll top, this sign could easily announce my homestead.

My Magical Mystery Tour

Returning from a business trip to Vermont, I decided to visit an old friend in Worcester, MA. Assuming I was aware of an impending severe snowstorm headed his direction, I blithely accepted his wishes for a good journey. Well, the snow arrived with me, and I spent the next 36 hours catching up with Mark and his lovely wife, Laurie, over food, spirits and a warm fire. This was a soft, powdery snow that piled up 3"-4" an hour--one that made me recall the winters of my childhood in Chicago. When the snow stopped, I bade them farewell and drove to Virginia through the night with a full moon guiding my way. With the fresh blanket of snow, it was magical.

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Later, we mustered the necessary courage and ventured out to save any stranded or lost souls. Ha! I borrowed a pair of boots from Mark with higher gaiters than my own. The streets were slick from the many passes of a snow plow. The snow was beautiful with the trees taking on almost a mystical quality, then..........SPLAT! Moral: always test borrowed equipment, no matter the banality of the excursion.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Entering the Global Village

Too much American media makes Patrick a dull boy. Time to smell the roses. I look forward to discussing substantive issues with friends--both current and emerging--while I make this journey of discovery. I will share the thoughts and pictures of people and places that I visit along the way.

The inspiration to create this site comes from Amy. Ciao, bela!